Entrepreneurship Courses and Seminars

太阳2平台为有兴趣学习创业课程的学生提供以下课程. 我们将开发新的课程,并在这里提供.

ENTR 179: Entrepreneurial Workshop

Credit(s): 1.5

Offered: Fall 22

Description: 这是一门实践性很强的课程,本质上就像工作坊或实验室. 本课程的目的是帮助学生找到一个可重复的和可扩展的商业模式,为他们的创业公司显著减少资金,并在较短的时间内使用精益Launchpad战略,而不是传统的方法. 学生团队将从一个创意/创新的产品想法开始,以满足客户未被满足的需求. 他们会提出一套未经检验的假设,并迅速加以验证. 他们将使用商业模型画布来为客户绘制价值创造图,并验证假设以创建可重复的, scalable business model. 团队将快速迭代他们的产品,以构建人们真正想要的东西. 他们将构建最小可行产品(mvp),以避免假设,并获得真实的客户反馈,他们可以使用这些反馈来更快地迭代(小调整)或支点(实质性更改). 最后,学生团队将向风险资本家展示他们的创业想法. 

ID 049: Entrepreneurship

Credit(s): .5 

Instructor(s): Kash Gokli & guest speakers

Offered: Spring 22

Prerequisite(s): Open to all

Description本课程以嘉宾演讲和小组讨论为特色,让学生对创业有一个扎实的了解. Successful entrepreneurs, including HMC alumni, 会分享他们的成功故事,并涵盖感兴趣的话题吗, such as innovative products, funding, intellectual property, customers (discovery, validation, & 创新、销售、市场、现金流、产品发布等. 对于那些想在毕业后或以后创业的学生来说,这门课程将特别感兴趣, 希望加入成熟公司并应用其创业技能和精神的学生, 还有那些想成为社会企业家来影响社会的学生. Open to all students.

Class dayDateGuest speaker
21/27/22塞尔吉奥·蒙萨尔维P25 -创业心态的价值
32/3/22Leslie Field – Entrepreneurship and Climate Change
42/10/22Edith Harbaugh ’99 – From Engineer to Entrepreneur
52/17/22Brian Bentow ' 05 -选择联合创始人,商业创意演示
73/3/22Michael Blend -带领公司从创意走向上市
93/10/22Mar Hershenson – Lean Startup Methodology
103/17/22Spring Break
113/24/22Bob Hulse ’96/97 – IP Issues for Startups
123/31/22Prince Bohjwani – Starting & Scaling a Non-Profit
134/7/22Jim Castelaz ' 06 -销售+市场营销:寻找你的第一个客户
144/14/22Ho Nam – A Different Approach to Venture Capital
154/21/22Demo Day
Class Schedule

Schedule: dinner with students 5–6:20 p.m.; class presentation: 6:30–7:45 p.m.

On the last day, there was a pitch competition. Ten teams pitched their startup ideas. Mar Hershenson, Sergio Monsalve, Josh Jones和Miles Bird担任评委.

两支团队赢得了竞标,现在将向北加州和圣莫尼卡的风险投资家进行推介. Read the article on the event at HMC Entrepreneurship Class Produces First Startups.

Athena winning team posing in front of fountain
Athena winning team
Terra Robotics winning team

Computer Science 121: Software Development

Credit(s): 3

Instructor(s): Sweedyk, Wu

Offered: Fall and spring

Description: 介绍与软件系统的设计和实现有关的学科. 本课程呈现了软件开发实践的历史视角,并探讨了现代, 用于引出软件需求的敏捷技术, 设计和实现软件架构和模块, robust testing practices, and project management. 学生团队设计、开发和测试一个实质性的软件项目.

Prerequisite(s): CSCI070 HM 

Computer Science 189: Programming Practicum

Credit(s): 1

Instructor(s): Dodds, Stone, Sweedyk

Offered: Fall and spring

Description: This course is a weekly programming seminar, 强调对计算问题及其难度的有效识别, 开发和实现算法来解决它们, and the testing of those implementations. 注意有效地使用编程工具和可用的库, as well as to the dynamics of team problem-solving. 专业选修课不超过3个学分.

Repeatable: 可以选修最多三次的主要学分吗

Prerequisite(s): CSCI005 HM or CSCI005GR HM or CSCI042 HM 


Credits: 4

Offered: Fall and spring

Description: 设计问题通常是开放式的和结构不良的. 学生在小团队中工作,应用技术来解决设计问题, normally, posed by not-for-profit clients. 通过讲座和阅读设计理论和方法来加强项目工作, and introduction to manufacturing techniques, 项目管理技术和工程伦理. 入学仅限于一年级学生和二年级学生,或经导师许可.

Prerequisites: WRIT001 HM

Concurrent requisites: PHYS024 HM

Engineering 181: New Product Development

Credits: 3

Description: 本课程将介绍新产品开发过程中考虑设计的理论和实践, management and manufacturing components. 学生将确定需要(市场或人道主义)适合工程产品解决方案, select and scope the project need they will address, 通过业务用例量化解决方案的影响, design and develop multiple prototype solutions, 验证最终的产品并为发布募集资金.

Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and ENGR004 HM 

Engineering 183: Management of Technical Enterprise

Credits: 3

Instructor: Kash Gokli

Offered: Fall

Description: 本课程提供对技术企业管理实践的基本理解. 讲师讲授三个主要学习模块:财务管理, people management and company management. 学生将在这三个学习模块中学习流程、工具、组织和度量.

Prerequisites: ENGR004 HM and Junior standing.